Road Tax Revenues Are Up to Last Year’s Level
As Friday’s annual deadline for paying Phnom Penh’s road tax approaches, the municipality said Monday that it has collected about the same amount of tax as in 2005. “The city targeted $2.5 million…we have collected nearly 100%,’ said Om Chon, director of tax and excise department. He said that while roughly the same amount as in 2005 has been collected, the government had hoped it might exceed that target because there has been a 10-to-15-percent increase in the number of imported vehicles. Starting Saturday, police will begin pulling over vehicles without 2006 tax stickers and fining vehicle owners double the amount of tax they owe. The taxes range from $0.73 to $1.80 for motorbikes and from $24.30 to $243 for cars and sport utility vehicles. The tax goes directly into the national treasury, Om Chon said. ‘If we need money to expand roads in the city, we could send a request to the Ministry of Finance,’ he said. Phnom Penh Governor Kep Chuktema could not be reached for comment. (Kay Kimsong).
• They had hoped for more, based on an increase in the number of vehicles imported. Look’s correct to presume this, so where is the tax, is it not being paid or has this amount been misplaced….