Crossing Cambodia

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Law on Land Traffic; Chapter III, Art. 9-14: Drivers [unofficial translation]



The drivers of all kinds of vehicles should implement and follow the following measures:
1. All drivers who drive the vehicles with the cylinder size from 49 cm3 upward must obtain the driving licenses according to the types of vehicles.

2. When driving, the drivers must always be precautious [cautious?] and that they should be in the easy-to-drive situation and fast particularly the possibility to move without any disturbances. Passengers, goods or other things loaded must not block the drivers’ sight.

3. The drivers and passengers who sit at the front seats of the vehicles must wear the safety seat belts.

4. The drivers who drive motorcycles, tricycles and the motorcycles with trailers / remorque must wear safety helmets.

5. No passengers or goods are allowed to load in front of the driver.

6. Children under 10 years are not allowed to sit in the front seats of vehicles without the accompanying adults or without wearing the seat belt.

7. Babies under 10 months of age must put inside the baby seat and wear with the safety belt tied firmly to this baby seat with the car’s backseat.

8. Children in the age of 10 months up to 4 years must sit in the baby seat with the safety belt tied up to this seat to the backseat of the car.

9. No interruption to the road side residents and the road users.

10. The drivers are prohibited from drinking the liquor with the alcoholic rate from 0,5 mg per liter of gas or from 0,25 mg per liter of blood.

11. The vehicles with caterpillar tracks are banned from being driven on the roads. These kinds of vehicles must be transported on the vehicles with rubber tires.

12. Telephones are banned from being operated during driving. The telephones can be operated when they are connected to the communication equipment, or the drivers must stop the vehicles to operate the telephones.


On the roads with two traffic directions without the traffic lane, the drivers must use the middle part of the roads on the right hand side and keep driving on the right hand side.

On the roads with one traffic direction without the traffic lane, the drivers must drive on the right hand side except when turning left. The drivers can only use the middle part of the roads on the left –hand side when overtaking or stopping. But in the densely-populated areas, the use of the middle of the road shall be determined by the direction of the Ministry of Public Works and Transport.

On the path/lane of the roads assigned for any specific kind of vehicle, the drivers of other kinds of vehicles must not drive on it except when they need to leave or come back to their path.
On the roads with two traffic directions and the traffic lane, the drivers must keep driving on the right hand side path.

On the roads with one traffic direction and two or more traffic lanes, the drivers must keep driving on the most right hand side. In case of traffic jam, the drivers can drive on all paths of the roads [CC: ?].

On the roads with two different traffic directions and on each divided paths with two or more traffic lanes, the drivers must keep driving on the most right hand side. In case of traffic jam, the drivers can drive on all paths of the roads in accordance with their traffic directions.

In case of traffic jam as stated in point 3 and 4, the vehicles in any path of the roads that are faster than the other vehicles in the other paths of the roads are not considered as having overtaken. The drivers who drive the vehicles with the net weight of over 3.5 tons must always keep driving on the most right hand side, except when turning left or when overtaking, the driver can use other lanes. But in the densely-populated areas, the use of the road is determined by the direction of Ministry of Public Works and Transport.

When the traffic light indicates in yellow, it is the sign to prepare to stop or to go forward, When the traffic light is green, it is the sign to depart. When the traffic light is red, it is the sign to stop.

When the traffic light is red, it is the sign to stop, the drivers must stop in front of the white zebra lines crossing the width of the roads or in front of the lines assigned for pedestrians, If there is no obstacle ahead, the vehicles on the most right hand side can turn right at the red light corners where there are signs to allow turning right.

Except where it is stated in contradictory to this, the drivers must skirt to the right hand side at all intersections or roundabouts that are the obstacles for moving forward.

The drivers must not drive side by side on the roads or the same path of the roads.

The drivers must not drive passing through the military or police convoys or other kinds of convoys.
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