Crossing Cambodia

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Back to normalcy: the traffic law enforcement

My apologies for the publishing the complete new traffic law (a case of clogging (or is it blogging?) up the Crossing Cambodia blog), it's so Crossing Cambodia can deep link in future. It also provides excellent reading.
The law contains some absurd articles and is so far from reality, it's hard to see even a sliver of it being enforced. Whoever dictated the law (an INGO?) should look very silly. It also makes a mockery of the Cambodian law legislators, they seemingly have discussed this before approving it. The question comes to mind, whether they read it first? Then again, who is Crossing Cambodia to criticize Cambodian political folklore? Let's just see how it works out.

One particular point Crossing Cambodia would further like to highlight is the fact that the various different license plates will disappear; Crossing Cambodia wonders whether police and army have been informed?

Another apology, it's an unofficial translation, no points for guessing that.

Further more apologies, where are the real recent postings? If you interested here are the links:
It's not the first, ...
A pinch and a punch, ...
What else has been happening? Well, despite the new law being postponed until the 11th, the governor of Phnom Penh was ready to start. That according to a report published on KI Media, again translated from To implement the law the city's governor has posted five traffic policemen at each of the city's lights as well as 5 military police. What the former have to do is totally unclear, the more the merrier? According to the main intention of the police may well lay elsewhere:
'A police is extra supplied 5,000 Riel from the city hall.'
Cambodia Daily (5 September 2007) reported on the above as well:

Using loudspeakers, the officers will recite aloud the most important parts of the traffic law, and "educate people without extorting them", Tin Prasoer [Phnom Penh municipal traffic police chief] said.


Ung Chun Hour, director general of transport for the Ministry of Public Works and Transportation, said the ministry, along with the Interior and Finance ministries, had approved anew form of receipt that police will give drivers when collecting fines from those found breaking the law. He added that he did not know when the new receipts would be distributed to police.'
And on the sixth the Cambodia Daily reported that:
'No loudspeakers mean quiet start for police'

'The Phnom Penh municipality's plan to deploy police at all the city's traffic lights to educate motorists about the traffic law got off to a quiet start Wednesday, as officials had yet to distribute loudspeakers, police said.


Traffic police officer Chey Sokea who was stationed at the intersection of Russian Boulevard and Street 598, said that he and fellow officers had stopped 10 motorbike and car drivers Wednesday morning to advise them to wear seat belts and helmets.He said however that the afternoon heat had dissuaded them from education more motorists.


Chey Sokea said, adding that numerous luxury vehicles did not heed police requests to stop'.

So are we prepared? Not really. How can a gaggle of traffic police only stop 10 traffic users, surely they must have been able to stop more, even on an off-day.

And in the end? Nada, See photo. Extra pay insufficient?

A gaggle of traffic police at the Monivong / Sihanouk cross road.
Under the shade again on the sixth of September, before the heat ....

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