Crossing Cambodia

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Law on Land Traffic; Chapter III, Art. 20+21; Drivers, overtaking and passing


When overtaking, the drivers must strictly implement the following:

1. The drivers of all kinds of vehicles must overtake each other on the left-hand side. But the drivers can overtake on the right hand side, if the other drivers are giving a diverting sign to turn left and stop, or prepare to turn left.

2. Before overtaking, the drivers must know clearly that the move does not lead to the danger. They shall act as follows:

A. When seeing that there is no obstacle in the front and knowing that they are able to return to the normal traffic direction without disturbing the other drivers.

B. There is no driver behind starting to ask for permission to overtake.

C. When seeing that the drivers in the front do not give any sign to allow overtaking[CC:?].

D. Make sure that the speed is proportionate between the two vehicles and is able to overtake in the shortest period of time.

E. Giving a sign of asking for overtaking by using the left turning sign and if it is necessary, using the low and high beams at nights or horn during the daytime except in towns where horning for overtaking is prohibited.

F. Make sure that the front and the rear drivers are aware of the request to overtake.

3. When knowing that the rear drivers ask for overtaking, the front drivers must examine their front paths of the roads. If there is no obstacle, they must give a diverting sign by the right turning light or raise their left hands up in the air, turn right and slow down. These are the signs to allow the rear drivers who are asking for overtaking to know that they can do it. In case the front drivers see that their front paths of the roads are busy or there is an obstacle, they must give a diverting sign by using the right turning light or raise their left hands straight in the air. These are the signs to show that it is not yet possible to overtake.[CC: hopefully this is a translation mistake; both indications are the same whether it is possible or unpossible to overtake!]

4. When overtaking, the drivers must speed up and leave the space between each other at least 1m.

5. On the roads without traffic lanes, the drivers can overtake by using the other paths of the roads as long as the move does not cause any danger or disturbance to the other vehicles that are coming in the different traffic direction.

6. After overtaking, the drivers must give a diverting sign of the right turning light to show that they are coming back into their traffic lane paths.

7. In case the road has multiple paths in one traffic direction for different direction, the vehicle in one specific lanes driving faster than the other vehicle in other lane will not consider as overtaking.

Overtaking is prohibited in the cases as follows:

• Overtaking in three lines, it means one vehicle is overtaking while the other two vehicles that are overtaking each other.

• At the places where there are signs indicating 'no overtaking'.

• At the curved roads or high ground roads, except this overtaking can be done if the other paths of the roads on the left-hand side are left unoccupied.

• At the turning roads, crossroads and slippery roads.

• At the top of the slope, narrow roads, or roads with 'slow down' signs.

• On the bridges or when going down the slope.

• At construction sites.

• At the stretch of the roads assigned for pedestrians to cross.

• At the roads under the bridges or tunnels.

• When visibility is not clear, such as during heavy rain or foggy or dusty.

• At the roads crossing the railways without barricades.

• At the flooding roads.



1. The drivers of all kinds of vehicles must pass each other by keeping driving on the right hand side respectively.

2. Before passing each other, both drivers must feel confident that the move does not lead to any danger.

3. To pass each other, the drivers must drive on the right hand side respectively by leaving the paths of the roads on the left hand side unoccupied as big as possible.

4. When passing each other at the narrow roads or the roads that could lead to danger, the drivers must slow down their vehicles respectively. If it is necessary, both vehicles must stop. If the two vehicles are in the same type, the vehicle that wants to go first must give a request signal by raising the hand up in the air or by honking during the daytime and using the low and high beams as a signal at nights and then wait until the vehicles coming from the opposite give a signal of approval before starting to go first. But if the vehicles are in the different type, the drivers of the bigger vehicles must leave the paths of the roads to allow the smaller vehicles to go first.[CC: eh? small goes first?]

5. When passing each other at the narrow roads that are accessible only for one vehicle and there is a place that can be used to pass each other, the vehicle that arrives first at the place must stop and wait in order to allow the other vehicle to pass easily.

6. In case the paths of the roads are very narrow and the vehicles cannot pass each other and one of the vehicles is required to go backward, the drivers must act as follows:

A. For the vehicles that are in the same type, any vehicle that wants to go first must give a requested signal and that it is agreed by the other vehicle to go backward.

B. For the vehicles without and with trailers, the vehicles without trailers must go backward.

C. For the light and heavy vehicles, the light vehicles must go backward.

D. For the goods loading vehicles and passenger vehicles, the goods loading vehicles must go backward.[CC: odd]

7. When passing each other at the slope and narrow roads, the vehicles going down the slope must stop and allow the vehicles going up the slope to go first.

8. When passing each other, if any vehicle drivers see that there is an obstacle ahead such as the road is damaged or a vehicle is stopping, that vehicle must stop and allow the other vehicles to go first.

9. On the narrow bridge that is accessible only one vehicle, the heavy vehicles must allow the light vehicles to go first.

10. Before passing each other at nights outside towns without lights along
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