Not much!?
- Which flights into Cambodia are not taking place? This article sums it up: Chiang Mai - Siem Reap amongst others. Great to blame it on the off-season.
- Another method to tackle the rising fuel prices is put forward by the Cambo government:
'Finance Minister Keat Chhon has ordered a special ministry committee to be formed to monitor the price of gasoline amid fears the fuel companies were gouging prices, which have crept towards record highs of 6,000 riels ($1.50) a liter during the past few days, a ministry official said'.
So if someone is profiteering, we decide to monitor them?
- More monitoring, the expat males over at Khmer 440 are looking into moto prices: are moto prices going up? Follow the discussion:
'The longer you stay and are known the less you pay'.
Conclusion:'since the price of petrol has shot up I would say 1500 riels/km would be a good measuring stick to go by'.
- This photo would go some way to off-setting the cost:
- On the same Khmer 440 forum a report on an accident with this advice:
'Avoiding becoming collateral damage is also part of the expat experience'.
- Safety concerns? Authorities say yes, but police blame it on bad luck. The Cambo Daily (June 5, 2008) reports on a number of deadly accidents which resulted in six killed in 4 seperate accidents in Phnom Penh. Police comment:
'It is very strange for our traffic police. It was a bad luck day'.
By the way all victims were travelling on motorbike.